Sunday, December 30, 2007
Check Out This Site For Places To Ride
Places 2 Ride a guide to places to go and things to do on a motorcycle.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
If you don't live in an area that remains reasonably warm during the winter there will come a time where you'll want to put your bike in storage through the long snowy, winter months. Storing a bike properly can have a significant impact not only in its physical appearance, but also its mechanical reliability. Following are steps that you should take when preparing to store your motorcycle for the winter.
1. Clean, wax and detail the motorcycle. Wash all dirt, road grime, and grit off of the motorcycle. Make sure to get the hard to reach areas. Then apply a layer of wax or protectants to plastic, rubber, vinyl, leather etc.
2. Stabilize the gasoline. You don't want to store the bike with a minimum amount of gasoline in the tank. An empty tank or nearly empty tank can cause condensation to build, which could cause rust. Fill the tank and add a fuel stabilizer. Fuel stabilizers prevent gum and varnish from building up in the fuel line and carburetor.
3. Change the oil. Give your bike fresh oil for the long months of storage.
4. Change the coolant. Fresh coolant will prevent rust and corrosion from setting in during the winter storage.
5. Lubricate the cylinders. When you will not be running the bike any more for the year remove the spark plugs and pour two tablespoons of fresh oil into the spark plug ports. Put the plugs back in (but don't install the caps) and turn the bike over once or twice. This allows extra lubrication to reach the upper cylinder walls, which prevents rusting.
6. Battery Storage- When batteries are not used for a long time the natural process of sulfation is accelerated. Sulfation is the process that happens to a lead-acid battery (like a motorcycle battery) that causes it to lose its ability to hold a charge when it's kept in a discharged state for an extended period of time. In order to prevent this from happening prematurely take these steps. Fill each cell of the battery with distilled water. If the battery is not fully charged then charge it. Disconnect the battery from the motorcycle and connect it to a trickle charger. A trickle charger charges the battery at the same rate that it's discharging. If your motorcycle will be stored in an unheated space, consider removing the battery from the bike altogether and placing it someplace that will not be exposed to temperatures below freezing.
7. Lube and grease the appropriate parts such as the chain, swing arm etc. Apply a light film of oil to exposed unpainted surfaces.
8. Tires- Inflate the tires to their proper inflation. Support the motorcycle under the frame. You want to take all of the weight off of your tires.
9. Cover- Cover the motorcycle. Cover the exhaust and intake manifolds.
Taking these steps will protect your motorcycle during its storage. Don't forget in the spring when you take it out of storage to perform the spring ritual.
1. Clean, wax and detail the motorcycle. Wash all dirt, road grime, and grit off of the motorcycle. Make sure to get the hard to reach areas. Then apply a layer of wax or protectants to plastic, rubber, vinyl, leather etc.
2. Stabilize the gasoline. You don't want to store the bike with a minimum amount of gasoline in the tank. An empty tank or nearly empty tank can cause condensation to build, which could cause rust. Fill the tank and add a fuel stabilizer. Fuel stabilizers prevent gum and varnish from building up in the fuel line and carburetor.
3. Change the oil. Give your bike fresh oil for the long months of storage.
4. Change the coolant. Fresh coolant will prevent rust and corrosion from setting in during the winter storage.
5. Lubricate the cylinders. When you will not be running the bike any more for the year remove the spark plugs and pour two tablespoons of fresh oil into the spark plug ports. Put the plugs back in (but don't install the caps) and turn the bike over once or twice. This allows extra lubrication to reach the upper cylinder walls, which prevents rusting.
6. Battery Storage- When batteries are not used for a long time the natural process of sulfation is accelerated. Sulfation is the process that happens to a lead-acid battery (like a motorcycle battery) that causes it to lose its ability to hold a charge when it's kept in a discharged state for an extended period of time. In order to prevent this from happening prematurely take these steps. Fill each cell of the battery with distilled water. If the battery is not fully charged then charge it. Disconnect the battery from the motorcycle and connect it to a trickle charger. A trickle charger charges the battery at the same rate that it's discharging. If your motorcycle will be stored in an unheated space, consider removing the battery from the bike altogether and placing it someplace that will not be exposed to temperatures below freezing.
7. Lube and grease the appropriate parts such as the chain, swing arm etc. Apply a light film of oil to exposed unpainted surfaces.
8. Tires- Inflate the tires to their proper inflation. Support the motorcycle under the frame. You want to take all of the weight off of your tires.
9. Cover- Cover the motorcycle. Cover the exhaust and intake manifolds.
Taking these steps will protect your motorcycle during its storage. Don't forget in the spring when you take it out of storage to perform the spring ritual.
Monday, December 24, 2007
S.D. Moves to Protect Sacred Butte
Monday, December 17, 2007
By CHET BROKAW, Associated Press Writer
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PIERRE, S.D. — For centuries, members of the Lakota, Cheyenne and other American Indian tribes have been climbing Bear Butte to fast and hold religious ceremonies.
Colorful prayer cloths hanging from trees line the path to the top of the mountain, which rises about 1,300 feet above the surrounding plain.
But often, and especially in August, the serenity of the site is disturbed by a deafening roar, caused by thousands of motorcycles.
Indians have sought for years to block development of land around the butte into campgrounds, bars and other sites that could interfere with their religious use of the mountain. Now they have an ally in the governor.
Gov. Mike Rounds wants to spend more than $1 million to prevent developers from putting biker bars and other noisy businesses on ranch land near the mountain on the northern edge of the Black Hills.
Saying he wants to protect the beauty and peace of the religious site, Rounds has proposed using state, federal and private money to buy a perpetual easement that would prevent commercial and residential development of some land on the western side of Bear Butte.
Indians working to protect Bear Butte praise the Republican governor's plan.
"Any kind of assistance from anybody in preserving the butte is welcome," said Gene Blue Arm, a Cheyenne River Sioux tribal member who has sought to limit development near the religious site.
"It's good of him," Blue Arm said. "I think it's a good deal."
Dean Wink, a member of the Meade County Commission, said he opposes a perpetual easement that would block all future owners from considering other uses for the land. But he said he could support an easement that prohibits development for a decade or two.
"Forever is a long time," Wink said.
The governor made only a brief mention of the plan in his budget speech to the South Dakota Legislature, which is being asked to approve an emergency special spending measure for Bear Butte. The easement could help calm some worries about the mountain, Rounds said.
Details will not be available until the legislative session opens in January, but it might cost up to $1 million to get the easement, State Parks Director Doug Hofer said.
Rounds' plan would use $250,000 in state money, to be matched with $344,000 in private donations and a $594,000 grant from a federal program that protects agricultural land, to buy a perpetual conservation easement on some ranch land on Bear Butte's west side.
Named Mato Paha, or Bear Mountain, because it resembles a sleeping bear lying on its side, it was formed by volcanic rock that never erupted and was then exposed when surrounding land eroded.
The butte and the land immediately around it are in a state park that was sold to the state of South Dakota in 1962 for $50,000. Because of the growth of the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in August, land values in the area have skyrocketed.
In recent years Indians have gathered at Bear Butte and nearby Sturgis during the rally to protest motorcycle noise, loud concerts and alcoholic consumption near the mountain.
The 2007 Legislature rejected a measure seeking to ban the issuance of liquor or beer licenses within four miles of the boundaries of the state park after lawmakers said they did not want to interfere with private property rights.
Wink said he expects the Legislature will have a good discussion on the governor's easement plan, but local residents believe the issue should be handled locally.
"They just think the private property rights and local control are more important," the county commissioner said.
Some also have questioned whether tax money should be used for such an easement, Wink said.
But Blue Arm said the sacred mountain must be protected.
"I'm saying yes to anything to stop further development around the butte," Blue Arm said. "In a ceremony or in prayer, there needs to be a solitude."
On the Net:
Park: http://www.sdgfp.info/Parks/Regions/NorthernHills/BearButte.htm
Rally: http://www.sturgismotorcyclerally.com/
(This version CORRECTS location in headline.)
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Monday, December 17, 2007
By CHET BROKAW, Associated Press Writer
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PIERRE, S.D. — For centuries, members of the Lakota, Cheyenne and other American Indian tribes have been climbing Bear Butte to fast and hold religious ceremonies.
Colorful prayer cloths hanging from trees line the path to the top of the mountain, which rises about 1,300 feet above the surrounding plain.
But often, and especially in August, the serenity of the site is disturbed by a deafening roar, caused by thousands of motorcycles.
Indians have sought for years to block development of land around the butte into campgrounds, bars and other sites that could interfere with their religious use of the mountain. Now they have an ally in the governor.
Gov. Mike Rounds wants to spend more than $1 million to prevent developers from putting biker bars and other noisy businesses on ranch land near the mountain on the northern edge of the Black Hills.
Saying he wants to protect the beauty and peace of the religious site, Rounds has proposed using state, federal and private money to buy a perpetual easement that would prevent commercial and residential development of some land on the western side of Bear Butte.
Indians working to protect Bear Butte praise the Republican governor's plan.
"Any kind of assistance from anybody in preserving the butte is welcome," said Gene Blue Arm, a Cheyenne River Sioux tribal member who has sought to limit development near the religious site.
"It's good of him," Blue Arm said. "I think it's a good deal."
Dean Wink, a member of the Meade County Commission, said he opposes a perpetual easement that would block all future owners from considering other uses for the land. But he said he could support an easement that prohibits development for a decade or two.
"Forever is a long time," Wink said.
The governor made only a brief mention of the plan in his budget speech to the South Dakota Legislature, which is being asked to approve an emergency special spending measure for Bear Butte. The easement could help calm some worries about the mountain, Rounds said.
Details will not be available until the legislative session opens in January, but it might cost up to $1 million to get the easement, State Parks Director Doug Hofer said.
Rounds' plan would use $250,000 in state money, to be matched with $344,000 in private donations and a $594,000 grant from a federal program that protects agricultural land, to buy a perpetual conservation easement on some ranch land on Bear Butte's west side.
Named Mato Paha, or Bear Mountain, because it resembles a sleeping bear lying on its side, it was formed by volcanic rock that never erupted and was then exposed when surrounding land eroded.
The butte and the land immediately around it are in a state park that was sold to the state of South Dakota in 1962 for $50,000. Because of the growth of the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in August, land values in the area have skyrocketed.
In recent years Indians have gathered at Bear Butte and nearby Sturgis during the rally to protest motorcycle noise, loud concerts and alcoholic consumption near the mountain.
The 2007 Legislature rejected a measure seeking to ban the issuance of liquor or beer licenses within four miles of the boundaries of the state park after lawmakers said they did not want to interfere with private property rights.
Wink said he expects the Legislature will have a good discussion on the governor's easement plan, but local residents believe the issue should be handled locally.
"They just think the private property rights and local control are more important," the county commissioner said.
Some also have questioned whether tax money should be used for such an easement, Wink said.
But Blue Arm said the sacred mountain must be protected.
"I'm saying yes to anything to stop further development around the butte," Blue Arm said. "In a ceremony or in prayer, there needs to be a solitude."
On the Net:
Park: http://www.sdgfp.info/Parks/Regions/NorthernHills/BearButte.htm
Rally: http://www.sturgismotorcyclerally.com/
(This version CORRECTS location in headline.)
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Starting from Edmonton, her epic ride takes her through 44 countries on six continents and she racks up 120,000 kilometres in a travel odyssey that would consume three years.
Doris Maron is the lion-hearted motorcyclist who rode away from a safe and secure life in Edmonton to pursue a lifelong dream -- to see the world from the saddle of a motorcycle. Last week, Greenwoods Bookshoppe in Edmonton hosted a book launch party for Maron's story, Untamed Spirit -- Around the World on a Motorcycle.
Maron is believed to be the first North American woman to circumnavigate the world solo on a motorcycle -- an accomplishment that the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin recognized by putting her Honda Magna on display as part of a major motorcycle exhibit in 2005-2006.
A hardy crowd of friends and motorcyclists braved weather more suitable for snowmobiling than motorcycling to attend the book launch and hear Maron tell memorable tales of her incredible journey contained in her book. "Bolivia was the most treacherous part of my trip," she recounts. "I had to ride 500 kilometres of rock and sand along a dry riverbed."
"Everybody says my trip was courageous. For me, it was a passion to see the world," she says humbly. When asked if her route was 'planned,' she explains, "I had it mapped out kind of where I wanted to go," adding "but it changed a lot!"
Some of Maron's biggest challenges and stresses occurred at border crossings.
"Border crossings were tedious. (At some crossings) it would take two-to-four hours," Maron says. "You have to be patient and follow the rules. And I didn't have to bribe any officials, but in hindsight, maybe I should have a few times; it might have made things easier."
When asked about her choice of motorcycle, Maron had ridden a Honda Goldwing touring motorcycle for number of years, but decided a lighter machine would be a better choice for globetrotting. She selected a new Honda Magna 750 with chain drive, and said it performed flawlessly during her trip.
"There were always people around to help me. My Magna wore out four chains and I had the tires changed six times. I only had one flat during the whole trip, and I never had any trouble finding parts or tires. The only time I had trouble finding tires was in Northern B.C."
Maron had some interesting encounters riding through the Middle East. In Iran, women are supposed to cover their head. Respectful of local customs, she carried a head scarf in her luggage. She walked into the the border crossing office carrying her helmet and riding jacket, but forgot to take her scarf.
"The border guard yelled at me, 'Cover your head!' I didn't know what to do, so I put my helmet back on," she says with a laugh.
Maron relates the story of one encounter with the police. "In Pakistan, in one town, every hotel I went to was 'full.' Finally, I asked a clerk if the hotel was really 'full,' or if the problem was that I was a woman travelling alone. He said the problem was that I was travelling alone and I needed to go to the police station to obtain a permit to get a room.
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Doris Maron is the lion-hearted motorcyclist who rode away from a safe and secure life in Edmonton to pursue a lifelong dream -- to see the world from the saddle of a motorcycle. Last week, Greenwoods Bookshoppe in Edmonton hosted a book launch party for Maron's story, Untamed Spirit -- Around the World on a Motorcycle.
Maron is believed to be the first North American woman to circumnavigate the world solo on a motorcycle -- an accomplishment that the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin recognized by putting her Honda Magna on display as part of a major motorcycle exhibit in 2005-2006.
A hardy crowd of friends and motorcyclists braved weather more suitable for snowmobiling than motorcycling to attend the book launch and hear Maron tell memorable tales of her incredible journey contained in her book. "Bolivia was the most treacherous part of my trip," she recounts. "I had to ride 500 kilometres of rock and sand along a dry riverbed."
"Everybody says my trip was courageous. For me, it was a passion to see the world," she says humbly. When asked if her route was 'planned,' she explains, "I had it mapped out kind of where I wanted to go," adding "but it changed a lot!"
Some of Maron's biggest challenges and stresses occurred at border crossings.
"Border crossings were tedious. (At some crossings) it would take two-to-four hours," Maron says. "You have to be patient and follow the rules. And I didn't have to bribe any officials, but in hindsight, maybe I should have a few times; it might have made things easier."
When asked about her choice of motorcycle, Maron had ridden a Honda Goldwing touring motorcycle for number of years, but decided a lighter machine would be a better choice for globetrotting. She selected a new Honda Magna 750 with chain drive, and said it performed flawlessly during her trip.
"There were always people around to help me. My Magna wore out four chains and I had the tires changed six times. I only had one flat during the whole trip, and I never had any trouble finding parts or tires. The only time I had trouble finding tires was in Northern B.C."
Maron had some interesting encounters riding through the Middle East. In Iran, women are supposed to cover their head. Respectful of local customs, she carried a head scarf in her luggage. She walked into the the border crossing office carrying her helmet and riding jacket, but forgot to take her scarf.
"The border guard yelled at me, 'Cover your head!' I didn't know what to do, so I put my helmet back on," she says with a laugh.
Maron relates the story of one encounter with the police. "In Pakistan, in one town, every hotel I went to was 'full.' Finally, I asked a clerk if the hotel was really 'full,' or if the problem was that I was a woman travelling alone. He said the problem was that I was travelling alone and I needed to go to the police station to obtain a permit to get a room.
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Submitted by ad Staff on December 4, 2007 - 2:37pm. Automotive Business Insurance
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Motorcycles are very popular among the youth as they offer a fun way to ride, are economical to maintain, and give a chance to experience freedom while driving. At the same time, they are more prone to accidents than cars. Hence it becomes important to buy motorcycle insurance. Before venturing out on the road, it is essential that you carry minimal cover, according to the government rules. With so many insurers offering different motorcycle insurance policies, you need to shop around to find a policy with the lowest premium. If you are in the process of buying motorcycle insurance here are some useful guidelines to buy the right policy.
What does motorcycle insurance premiums depend on?
Motorcycle Insurance premiums are decided based on the following factors; riding experience, age, market value of the bike, type of bike e.g. cruiser, touring, sport, sport or touring, your residence locality e.g. crime-infested areas will attract higher premiums, size of the engine like under 500cc, 500-750cc, 750-1000cc and 1000 or more, mileage, any training on motorcycle driving and number of years you have been insured.
How should I buy the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Since many companies consider motorcycles to be a high-risk mode of transport, they tend to charge a higher premium. But still you can save money by shopping around. Get an insurance quote from a few companies and compare the rates. But it does not mean that the cheapest quote is also the best. Take a motorcycle-riding course to lessen the premium charges. The premiums attracted by older, slower vehicles are far less than those charged on new models.
What are the types of Motorcycle Insurance Coverage?
· Liability in an accident to insure others against damages;· Passenger liability to cover injuries and physical harm to people in the car;· Uninsured motorist, which protects you against drivers with no insurance;· Medical expenses caused in an accident;· Collision and Comprehensive, covers the costs incurred on repairing or replacing your motorcycle and also against fire, theft and vandalism are the common types of coverage’s.
Besides, you can also insure to protect against any changes done to the bike and its equipments. If you are a beginner, start with a good, simple motorcycle insurance policy. This will increase your chances of getting advanced policies later on, besides saving your money.
By: Bill Buchanan
Click for great motorcycle insurance facts or motorcycle insurance advice. For great general interest information go to www.hortdirect
stock photo
Motorcycles are very popular among the youth as they offer a fun way to ride, are economical to maintain, and give a chance to experience freedom while driving. At the same time, they are more prone to accidents than cars. Hence it becomes important to buy motorcycle insurance. Before venturing out on the road, it is essential that you carry minimal cover, according to the government rules. With so many insurers offering different motorcycle insurance policies, you need to shop around to find a policy with the lowest premium. If you are in the process of buying motorcycle insurance here are some useful guidelines to buy the right policy.
What does motorcycle insurance premiums depend on?
Motorcycle Insurance premiums are decided based on the following factors; riding experience, age, market value of the bike, type of bike e.g. cruiser, touring, sport, sport or touring, your residence locality e.g. crime-infested areas will attract higher premiums, size of the engine like under 500cc, 500-750cc, 750-1000cc and 1000 or more, mileage, any training on motorcycle driving and number of years you have been insured.
How should I buy the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Since many companies consider motorcycles to be a high-risk mode of transport, they tend to charge a higher premium. But still you can save money by shopping around. Get an insurance quote from a few companies and compare the rates. But it does not mean that the cheapest quote is also the best. Take a motorcycle-riding course to lessen the premium charges. The premiums attracted by older, slower vehicles are far less than those charged on new models.
What are the types of Motorcycle Insurance Coverage?
· Liability in an accident to insure others against damages;· Passenger liability to cover injuries and physical harm to people in the car;· Uninsured motorist, which protects you against drivers with no insurance;· Medical expenses caused in an accident;· Collision and Comprehensive, covers the costs incurred on repairing or replacing your motorcycle and also against fire, theft and vandalism are the common types of coverage’s.
Besides, you can also insure to protect against any changes done to the bike and its equipments. If you are a beginner, start with a good, simple motorcycle insurance policy. This will increase your chances of getting advanced policies later on, besides saving your money.
By: Bill Buchanan
Click for great motorcycle insurance facts or motorcycle insurance advice. For great general interest information go to www.hortdirect
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Friday, November 30 marked the end of what will forever be remembered as the longest and most courageous battle between one man, a man we all know as the world's greatest daredevil, and death. Robert Craig "Evel" Knievel died in Clearwater, Florida, finally succumbing after nearly a three-year bout with the terminal lung disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. He was 69.
His death was preceded by more than 40 years of constant battle against the persistent pain of broken bones and severe trauma after jumping and crashing motorcycles like no man had ever done before. In addition, he fought to overcome the tremendous obstacles of diabetes, hepatitis C, a liver transplant, numerous surgeries and two strokes.
Knievel's legacy as America's Legendary Daredevil, Last of the Gladiators, and King of the Stuntmen will undeniably live on among millions of fans, past, present and future. However, the memories of the man apart from his legend will live on even stronger in the hearts of his friends and family. Despite his well-known swagger of self confidence, the legacy he wished for most of all was simply to be an inspiration.
"The fame of great men ought to be judged always by the means they used to acquire it."
By this maxim, nothing will ever be able to take away or challenge the things accomplished by Evel Knievel.
Whether it was unmatched courage or just an absolute unwillingness to give in to fear, Robert Craig Knievel was a man's man through all the days of his life. He took great pride in the simply stated, yet most difficult to accomplish principles: always living up to his word, never shirking the responsibility or consequences for his actions regardless of the personal risk, and never, not ever, failing to stop trying.
Knievel was born in Butte, Montana on October 17, 1938 to Robert Edward and Ann (Keough) Knievel. He and his younger brother Nic were raised by the loving family of paternal grandparents Ignatius and Emma Knievel.
Growing up and living in Butte were some of the most valued times of his life. His fame took him far and wide across the country and even over seas, but Knievel never let go of the love and pride he had for his hometown.
Growing up in a blue-collar mining town, Knievel attended Butte public schools before serving in the U.S. Army reserves. As a young man he was always an exceptional athlete, hard worker and determined individual. Knievel explored and excelled in many different professions, if only for a short time, before finding his calling as the ultimate daredevil.
During his prime as a bona fide celebrity, Knievel enjoyed his spoils to the highest. He loved fast cars, private airplanes, fancy yachts and the finest clothes and jewelry money could buy. He was sought out by Hollywood and remained friends with many famous people until his death.
In the end, he had a few regrets, but he always sincerely strived to do the right thing. He never forgot who his real friends were. He never forgot his love for his family. And he never forgot the place from where he came, what he'd learned or what others had done to help him get to where he did. The red, white and blue for which he is famous were a tribute to his Butte character as much as they were for America. In his last years, one of the greatest honors was being able to share his hometown with his world of fans and to participate and take pride in the celebration of his annual event, "Evel Knievel Days."
He dearly loved his grandchildren and he always made it a point to stay in touch with the people he loved the most, his friends and family. And lastly, most important to him above all was his new-found faith in Jesus Christ. Just as he always took great care in surrounding himself with the best people he could depend upon to help him make his jumps during his motorcycle career, Knievel found his greatest friend of all in preparation for his final leap from life. He was profoundly happy that he gave his life to God, who comforted him and gave him the strength he needed to make it through the end.
Knievel is survived by his loyal friend and wife, Krystal Kennedy-Knievel, whom he married in 1999. She stood by his side through his greatest struggles with health until his death. He will also be very missed by sidekick, "Rocket," his pet Maltese, as well as Rocket's brother, "Squirt." Knievel's in-laws include Krystal's mother Sylvia and her husband Wayne Croft; father Glen Kennedy, and Krystal's sister Shawn and husband Rory with their two children.
He is also survived by his former wife and dear friend of 38 years, Linda Bork Knievel. Though they divorced, Linda and Evel had four children that all made them proud. Son, Kelly Knievel and daughter-in-law Shelli with granddaughter Lily; son, Robbie Knievel and granddaughters Krysten and Karmen, with great-granddaughter Analiese; daughter Tracey and son-in-law Mitch McCloud with grandchildren Josiah, Jesse, Melody, Cody, Cole, Casey and Dusty with wife Rachel and great-granddaughter Lucy; and his youngest daughter Alicia, with son-in-law Matt Vincent and grandchildren Madelyn, Jaicee, Rye and his sixteenth grandchild expected this June.
Other surviving family members include his stepmother, Mrs. Robert Edward Knievel; brother, Nic and his wife Rusty; sister, Kristy and brother-in-law Hugh Lawrence; sister, Renee and brother-in-law Bill Slaughter; sister Robin and brother-in-law John Dick; and sisters Loretta Young and Kadie Boney. His is also survived by numerous nieces, nephews, extended family, friends and his millions and millions of fans.
Public services will be held for family, friends and fans at the Butte Civic Center at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, December 10th. A private Christian burial and graveside services will take place at the Mountain View Cemetery.
Click here to enter EvelKnievel.Com
His death was preceded by more than 40 years of constant battle against the persistent pain of broken bones and severe trauma after jumping and crashing motorcycles like no man had ever done before. In addition, he fought to overcome the tremendous obstacles of diabetes, hepatitis C, a liver transplant, numerous surgeries and two strokes.
Knievel's legacy as America's Legendary Daredevil, Last of the Gladiators, and King of the Stuntmen will undeniably live on among millions of fans, past, present and future. However, the memories of the man apart from his legend will live on even stronger in the hearts of his friends and family. Despite his well-known swagger of self confidence, the legacy he wished for most of all was simply to be an inspiration.
"The fame of great men ought to be judged always by the means they used to acquire it."
By this maxim, nothing will ever be able to take away or challenge the things accomplished by Evel Knievel.
Whether it was unmatched courage or just an absolute unwillingness to give in to fear, Robert Craig Knievel was a man's man through all the days of his life. He took great pride in the simply stated, yet most difficult to accomplish principles: always living up to his word, never shirking the responsibility or consequences for his actions regardless of the personal risk, and never, not ever, failing to stop trying.
Knievel was born in Butte, Montana on October 17, 1938 to Robert Edward and Ann (Keough) Knievel. He and his younger brother Nic were raised by the loving family of paternal grandparents Ignatius and Emma Knievel.
Growing up and living in Butte were some of the most valued times of his life. His fame took him far and wide across the country and even over seas, but Knievel never let go of the love and pride he had for his hometown.
Growing up in a blue-collar mining town, Knievel attended Butte public schools before serving in the U.S. Army reserves. As a young man he was always an exceptional athlete, hard worker and determined individual. Knievel explored and excelled in many different professions, if only for a short time, before finding his calling as the ultimate daredevil.
During his prime as a bona fide celebrity, Knievel enjoyed his spoils to the highest. He loved fast cars, private airplanes, fancy yachts and the finest clothes and jewelry money could buy. He was sought out by Hollywood and remained friends with many famous people until his death.
In the end, he had a few regrets, but he always sincerely strived to do the right thing. He never forgot who his real friends were. He never forgot his love for his family. And he never forgot the place from where he came, what he'd learned or what others had done to help him get to where he did. The red, white and blue for which he is famous were a tribute to his Butte character as much as they were for America. In his last years, one of the greatest honors was being able to share his hometown with his world of fans and to participate and take pride in the celebration of his annual event, "Evel Knievel Days."
He dearly loved his grandchildren and he always made it a point to stay in touch with the people he loved the most, his friends and family. And lastly, most important to him above all was his new-found faith in Jesus Christ. Just as he always took great care in surrounding himself with the best people he could depend upon to help him make his jumps during his motorcycle career, Knievel found his greatest friend of all in preparation for his final leap from life. He was profoundly happy that he gave his life to God, who comforted him and gave him the strength he needed to make it through the end.
Knievel is survived by his loyal friend and wife, Krystal Kennedy-Knievel, whom he married in 1999. She stood by his side through his greatest struggles with health until his death. He will also be very missed by sidekick, "Rocket," his pet Maltese, as well as Rocket's brother, "Squirt." Knievel's in-laws include Krystal's mother Sylvia and her husband Wayne Croft; father Glen Kennedy, and Krystal's sister Shawn and husband Rory with their two children.
He is also survived by his former wife and dear friend of 38 years, Linda Bork Knievel. Though they divorced, Linda and Evel had four children that all made them proud. Son, Kelly Knievel and daughter-in-law Shelli with granddaughter Lily; son, Robbie Knievel and granddaughters Krysten and Karmen, with great-granddaughter Analiese; daughter Tracey and son-in-law Mitch McCloud with grandchildren Josiah, Jesse, Melody, Cody, Cole, Casey and Dusty with wife Rachel and great-granddaughter Lucy; and his youngest daughter Alicia, with son-in-law Matt Vincent and grandchildren Madelyn, Jaicee, Rye and his sixteenth grandchild expected this June.
Other surviving family members include his stepmother, Mrs. Robert Edward Knievel; brother, Nic and his wife Rusty; sister, Kristy and brother-in-law Hugh Lawrence; sister, Renee and brother-in-law Bill Slaughter; sister Robin and brother-in-law John Dick; and sisters Loretta Young and Kadie Boney. His is also survived by numerous nieces, nephews, extended family, friends and his millions and millions of fans.
Public services will be held for family, friends and fans at the Butte Civic Center at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, December 10th. A private Christian burial and graveside services will take place at the Mountain View Cemetery.
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